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Apple (AAPL) market capitalization is 2nd largest in the USA at $243.96B with last 12 months sales of $42.91B. Google (GOOG) market capitalization is 14th largest in the USA at $153.70B with last 12 months sales of $23.65B. By market capitalization, the largest USA technology companies are: Apple #1, Microsoft #2, IBM #3, Google #4.
Apple iOS Maintains Lead in August 2010 Mobile OS Share
Quantcast reported September 3 that Apple iOS still leads in mobile web consumption. Apple iOS in August had a 56% share in North America. Google Android is second at 25%, Other (presumably including Microsoft Mobile OS) is third with 10%, and RIM is fourth at 9%. As can be seen on the chart below, the Apple iOS market share has been decreasing while the Google Android market share is increasing. RIM market share has peaked and is decreasing, as is Other, including Microsoft Mobile OS. Therefore, Apple iOS and Google Android now have a monopolizing 81% market share in North America. Consumption data is an important indicator for mobile advertising and the competition between Apple iAd and Google's AdMob advertising platforms.
**Chart courtesy of Quantcast**
*Methodology Note: Apple iPad mobile web consumption is not included in the chart above nor is mobile app usage*
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August 2010 Mobile OS Share Quantcast
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